Sarahbel / サラベル


インテリアファブリックサイト「トレファトレファ」へのデザイン提供や、資生堂香港、KOKUYO FURNITURE、D BY DADWAY、ベルメゾン等企業とのコラボレーションも行っています。

Sarahbel designer

Shoko Sugiyama / 杉山 聖子 (すぎやま しょうこ)

企業で雑貨デザイナーとして勤務の後、イラストレーターとして、アサヒビール ボジョレーヌーヴォーラベル、ドゥーオーガニック ハンドクリームパッケージ、 グランフロント大阪ウィンドウヴィジュアル等、商業施設、百貨店などの広告、コスメやファッション、書籍や商品など、様々な媒体の制作を多数行っています。

Inspired by the variety of colors and shapes of nature, we create designs and illustrations that abstract plants and landscapes found in everyday life and in travel from a unique perspective.
Enjoying the changing expression of the designs when we are incorporated into various fabrics and items, we develop products that, once seen, remain in the mind and add color to daily life.
We also provide designs to “Traffa traffa”, which is online textile shop.
You can see our interior fabrics, which are not available in our online store.

Sarahbel designer / Shoko Sugiyama
Shoko Sugiyama is based in Tokyo, graduated from Musashino Art University in Japan.
She launched a textile brand Sarahbel in 2014, held exhibitions and events at museum shops, galleries, cafes, department stores etc.
Also she works as an illustrator in advertisements, books, cosmetics, fashion, web and other media.